Become An Expert

The Office of Communications and Public Affairs at Cal State LA is seeking faculty members who are willing to be interviewed in their areas of expertise when there is breaking news or a trending story.

If you have any questions, contact the Office of Communications and Public Affairs at [email protected]. Thank you for helping to promote our University as a faculty resource for the media.

This phone number will be listed publicly on the Experts Guide website. If you do not have an office line, please provide the phone number for your college or department.
This phone number will not be listed publicly. The Office of Communications and Public Affairs will only use this phone number to contact experts if a media opportunity arises.
Your Cal State LA email address will be shared publicly on the Experts Guide website.
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By submitting a profile photo you waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use of photography, audio/video recording or any of these materials, regardless of the purpose or sponsoring of such use. 

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