Ramani Durvasula
Emerita Professor of Psychology | College of Natural and Social Sciences
(323) 343-5872
| Health psychology, HIV/AIDS, Neuropsychology, Women’s health
Mitchell L. Eisen
Professor of Psychology | College of Natural and Social Sciences
(323) 343-5006
| Abuse and trauma on children’s memory, Effects of child maltreatment, Effects of trauma on children and adults, Eye-witness memory suggestibility, Forensic interviewing of children and hypnosis
Gaithri Fernando
Emerita Professor of Psychology; Former Director, Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress | College of Natural and Social Sciences
(323) 343-2260
| Child abuse, Cross-cultural psychology, Domestic violence, Ethnic minority issues, Posttraumatic stress, Separation-related attachment difficulties, War and extreme traumas
Eric Kohatsu
Professor of Psychology | College of Natural and Social Sciences
(323) 343-2270
| Abnormal psychology, Clinical counseling, Cross-cultural psychology, Personality theory, Race relations
Pamela Regan
Professor of Psychology | College of Natural and Social Sciences
(323) 343-2289
| Casual sex, Evolutionary social psychologist, Mate selection, Physical attractiveness stereotype, Romantic love, Seduction strategies, Sexual desires
Henry Schlinger
Professor of Psychology | College of Natural and Social Sciences
(323) 343-2250
| Autism and Autism Treatment, Consciousness, Infant and Child Development, Language Acquisition, Parenting, Teaching and Learning
Crystal Slanzi
Assistant Professor of Psychology | College of Natural and Social Sciences
(323) 343-2250
| Inclusionary practices, Maternal and child health, Mental health, Neurodivergent/autistic population
Ji Y. Son
Professor of Psychology | College of Natural and Social Sciences
(323) 343-2261
| Closing achievement gaps, Data science, Education and technology, Equity in education, Making math education relevant and modern, Math anxiety, Math learning
Karen Wu
Assistant Professor of Psychology | College of Natural and Social Sciences
(323) 343-2283
| Behavioral genetics, Cross-cultural psychology, Culture and ethnicity, Human mate selection and attraction, Intergroup relations, Interpersonal relationships, Stereotypes and prejudice